Lakewood Process Machinery

Lakewood Process Machinery


Lakewood Process Machinery has been a leading equipment manufacturer and equipment supplier for the fruit and vegetable industries since the early 1960’s. Since the company’s early beginnings, Lakewood has been committed to providing fruit and vegetable growers with solutions for improving harvest productivity, packaging techniques, and reducing labor costs. The equipment solutions and technological advancements Lakewood has contributed to the fruit and vegetable industries over the past five decades have launched the company into becoming a highly-respected, world-wide equipment supplier, best known for setting many of today’s standards in packing and processing equipment for the blueberry industry.

Lakewood’s blueberry packing and processing equipment have been the company’s backbone for the past 30 years of the company’s history -with good reason. Each piece of equipment that Lakewood Process Machinery offers displays the company’s dedication to providing our customers with the highest quality, longest lasting, and most efficient equipment available on the market. Some of the company’s most highly sought-after and time-tested designs include Blueberry Destemmers, Blueberry Clamshell Fillers, Blueberry Box Fillers, Berry Washers and Dryers, Berry Air Cleaners, Adjustable Berry Sizers and Graders.

One of the things that have always set Lakewood apart from the other berry packing equipment suppliers that have popped up along the way is Lakewood’s commitment to involve the customer’s input into the design and layout of their equipment. The combination of Lakewood’s in-house engineering team, experienced craftsmen, and knowledgeable sales team allow the company to provide customized equipment solutions, or design completely custom equipment lines built specifically to fit our customer’s requirements.

Today, Lakewood is continuously working to develop new solutions to help our customers become more competitive and successful. Wherever there is a need for a unique, customized solution related to the handling, sizing, sorting, conveying, washing, packaging or processing of produce, Lakewood has the experience and innovation to meet that need.

If you have any questions regarding Lakewood’s existing equipment, or if you have equipment needs that you have yet to find a solution for, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Contact: Denny Schepel


Phone: 1-800-366-6705


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