August 2018

Mexico: Blueberry producers want to diversify markets
- . August 30, 2018
The United States market continues to be the main destination for blueberries, as it purchases 95.4 percent of the total

BC blueberries end strong season
- . August 28, 2018
British Columbia is winding down its solid blueberry season. “Right now we’re heavily focused on local supply and blueberries here

BerryWorld forecasts 30% rise in South African blueberry volumes
- . August 28, 2018
BerryWorld has announced the start of this year’s South African blueberry season, with the first Mountain Blue Orchards (MBO) varieties set

Argentina: Macri se reúne con arandaneros en Tucumán
- . August 28, 2018
El Presidente de la República Argentina, Mauricio Macri visitó el campo “El Molino”, en el departamento Chicligasta, provincia de Tucumán,

Chile debates the future of the blueberry
- . August 27, 2018
Chile is currently the main exporter of fresh blueberries in the world, with a record export volume that exceeded 110

Blueberries the star for Camposol
- . August 24, 2018
Higher blueberry volumes and prices help drive Camposol’s sales 8.9 per cent higher in the first half Peruvian agricultural giant

U.S. blueberry season sees slightly lower volumes
- . August 20, 2018
The domestic U.S. blueberry season is now winding down, having seen a slight drop in overall volumes and generally lower

Arándanos uruguayos crecerían un 65% a pesar de problemas climáticos
- . August 20, 2018
La industria arandanera de Uruguay ha debido enfrentar diversos episodios de granizos y mal clima en los últimos dos años,

Nuevo cuerpo directivo de Aneberries desarrollará mercado asiático
- . August 13, 2018
Aneberries, la Asociación Nacional de Exportadores de Berries en México, informó que el 8 de agosto modificó su cuerpo directivo.

South Africa: OZblu conference draws a crowd
- . August 8, 2018
Consumption growth and future plans tabled at conference event in South Africa Over 200 delegates from 17 different countries converged on