November 2018

Spain: Blueberries drive Huelva’s berry planted area growth
- . November 30, 2018
The Huelva Strawberry Growers and Exporters Association has reported an increase in planted berry hectarage ahead of the 2018-19 season,

Reino Unido le abre la puerta al arándano de Guatemala
- . November 27, 2018
Firma Planesa comercializa arándanos en varias cadenas de supermercados en Reino Unido, lo que amplia la oferta exportable agrícola del

Arándanos en gráficos: Chile obtiene altos precios de apertura, pero ¿cómo va a ser la temporada?
- . November 27, 2018
En esta serie de artículos llamada “En gráficos”, Colin Fain de la herramienta de visualización de datos Agronometrics ilustrará cómo

Blueberries in Charts: Chile fetches high opening prices, but how might the season play out?
- . November 27, 2018
In this ‘In Charts‘ series of mini-articles, Colin Fain of data visualization toolAgronometrics illustrates how the U.S. market is evolving.

Horti China 2018: S&A Trials Breakthrough Winter Blueberry Crop from New Chinese Farm
- . November 26, 2018
How to grow quality blueberries during the off-season in a muggy subtropical climate—at the edge of the growing range for

Indian food products in demand in US; Blueberries among items imported
- . November 21, 2018
The United States is hungry for food products from India. While it exports blueberries to India, it imports basmati rice,

Argentina envió por primera vez arándanos a China
- . November 20, 2018
Argentina cumplió con los estrictos controles de calidad que exige el país asiático, y esta tarde se realizó un embarque

Argentina exports first-ever blueberries to China
- . November 20, 2018
Argentina has sent its first-ever blueberries to the recently opened Chinese market, with Concordia-based Berries Del Sol exporting a 720-kilogram

- . November 19, 2018
由陕西理工大学领衔起草的全省首个蓝莓地方标准《汉中蓝莓》通过专家评审即 将发布实施。该标准依据陕西蓝莓产业发展需求,结合汉中蓝莓生产实际,对蓝莓组培 苗繁育、蓝莓苗木、露地蓝莓生产、蓝莓鲜果、蓝莓贮藏运输等5个产业链关键环节进 行了规范。该标准综合体的制定,对汉中蓝莓乃至全省蓝莓标准化发展具有重要指导意 义。 2018年11月9日,汉中市质量技术监督局组织相关专家组成标准审定委员会,对 陕西理工大学秦巴蓝莓研究所、勉县左哨所蓝莓专业合作社、汉中市农业科学研究所、 陕西定军山蓝莓科技有限公司、陕西省果业管理局秦巴山区蓝莓研究所等单位共同起草 的《汉中蓝莓》地方标准进行了审定。会上,审定委员会听取了标准起草单位关于标准 起草背景、编制说明和试验验证报告,查阅了相关文件和技术资料,并对标准文本内容 逐条进行了严格论证和审查。专家一致认为:标准的编制基本符合GB/T1.1-2009的 规定,规范性引用文件均属现行有效版本,标准规范的编制内容与现行法律、法规、强

Canada: Canneberges Québec becomes the largest producer of blueberries
- . November 19, 2018
Since 1995, the company Canneberges Québec has been growing blueberries. Originally, they were used to attract natural bumblebees to pollinate