July 2020

Polish blueberries face tough season due to spring frosts
- . July 17, 2020
The Polish blueberry season has had to deal with some serious hits when it comes to the weather. The early

Major Uruguayan blueberry producer gets new varieties from Australia’s MBO
- . July 17, 2020
One of Uruguay’s leading blueberry producers, Gamorel S.A., received its first plantings of new Australian-bred varieties this week. After having

Arándano es el cultivo que más empleo genera en la agroindustria peruana
- . July 14, 2020
Este año, Perú produciría 164.000 toneladas de arándanos por un valor superior a los US$ 1.000 millones. Perú es actualmente

September/October Key Period for US Blueberries in China
- . July 9, 2020
Over the last ten years, as living standards have improved, consumer awareness has increased and domestic blueberry production has experienced

Exportaciones de arándanos sudafricanas aumentarán 20% en próxima temporada
- . July 7, 2020
Se pronostica que las exportaciones de arándanos de Sudáfrica aumentarán en un 20% en la próxima temporada, según un informe

- . July 7, 2020
根据最近发布的美国农业部报告,预计南⾮的蓝莓出⼝在即将到来的季节将增⻓20%,从2019年的15 万吨增加到2020年的18万吨,产量将增加⾄22万吨。 种植⾯积的扩⼤是出⼝增⻓的动⼒。 报告指出,该国蓝莓产业⽬前处于“婴⼉”阶段。通过建⽴⼯业发展公司(IDC)和南⾮浆果⽣产者协会 (SABPA),该国浆果产业的发展得到了极⼤的促进。 传统上南⾮在9⽉到2⽉中旬收获蓝莓。英国是南⾮蓝莓的最⼤市场,占53%的出⼝。其他欧洲国家(如 荷兰,德国和爱尔兰)紧随其后。 报告称,英国传统的种植者和市场商⼈在南⾮的⼯业中⼀直发挥着积极作⽤,并且⻓期的贸易协定使南 ⾮的⼤多数蓝莓都运往英国。 美国农业部与南⾮相关部⻔之间正在进⾏谈判,南⾮蓝莓有望最终进⼊美国蓝莓市场。 就南⾮蓝莓的⽣产基地⽽⾔,预计新冠疫情的影响极⼩,因为该国的种植者早⽇采取了必要的预防措 施。 07/07/2020 Chinafruitportal.com

Perspectivas para las exportaciones estadounidenses de arándanos en China
- . July 6, 2020
La industria de arándanos frescos de EE.UU. alcanzó un hito en mayo cuando finalmente obtuvo acceso al mercado chino tras

What are the prospects for U.S. blueberries in China?
- . July 6, 2020
The U.S. fresh blueberry industry achieved a milestone in May when it finally gained access to the Chinese market after

South African blueberry exports to jump 20% in upcoming season
- . July 3, 2020
South Africa’s blueberry exports are forecast to rise by 20% in the upcoming season, according to a recently released USDA

Ucrania se convierte en un actor principal en la exportación de arándanos congelados a China
- . July 1, 2020
La exportación de arándanos congelados ucranianos a China ha experimentado un incremento notable durante el primer cuatrimestre de 2020. Según