June 2021

Temporada española no alcanza objetivos proyectados, pero crece…
- . June 29, 2021
Se esperaba recuperar los volúmenes, y no sólo recuperarlos, sino que aumentarlos, debido a que han entrado en producción plantaciones

Mexican blueberry exports to the U.S. increase in 2021
- . June 28, 2021
Mexican blueberry exports increased 57 percent year-over-year from January to April 2021 reaching sales of $313.5 million, according to data

US Industry Taking Action on Fresh Blueberry Retail and Promotion in China
- . June 28, 2021
With fresh U.S. highbush blueberries having received market access to China in 2020, the product is set to have its first formal promotional

Peru plans to double exports of organic blueberries this season
- . June 28, 2021
Peru is the world’s leading exporter of blueberries, and this industry continues to grow in the country, as demonstrated by

Program announced for the IBO Summit 2021
- . June 28, 2021
From August 23 to 25, the Association of Producers and Exporters of Peru (Proarandanos), together with the International Blueberry Organization

Dole recalls blueberries in Canada because of positive test for parasite
- . June 26, 2021
A grocery chain in Canada is recalling Dole brand fresh blueberries because test results have shown contamination with the Cyclospora

B.C. farmers concerned about impact of scorching heat on blueberry crops
- . June 25, 2021
Record-high temperatures could cause plants to ‘shut down’ to conserve moisture High temperatures can rush the ripening of crops and

Perú duplicaría su volumen de exportación de arándanos orgánicos en esta campaña
- . June 24, 2021
La cosecha en general (del blueberry convencional y orgánico) crecería 30%, por el incremento de 2.500 hectáreas cultivadas. Lejos de

本地蓝莓上市 80元/公斤
- . June 23, 2021
刚刚成熟的蓝莓美味诱人,吸引不少市民前来采摘。图为市民吴女士带着女儿在采摘蓝莓。均为宋彬彬摄 刚刚采摘的蓝莓泛着紫黑色光泽,上面隐隐有一层白霜。 星沙时报讯(记者 宋彬彬)好看的皮囊千篇一律,有机的美味万里挑一。近日,长沙县2000亩蓝莓果成熟,漫山遍野的蓝莓树一眼望不到头,吸引各地游客前来体验采果的乐趣,享受新鲜的美味。 在路口镇明月村,一年中最美的时节,就是大片大片的蓝莓由鲜红渐变成透紫时:800亩成片的蓝莓基地镶嵌在山坡上,阵阵微风拂过,空气中仿佛都弥漫着浓浓的果香。一米多高的蓝莓树上,挂满了一串串刚刚成熟的果实。泛着紫黑色光泽、上面隐隐有一层白霜的蓝莓,分外沁甜。 “这里的蓝莓不但味甜,而且个大。”游客吴女士边采摘蓝莓边告诉记者,刚从蓝莓树上采摘下来的蓝莓果,比水果店里卖的更新鲜,蓝莓独特的果香味也更加浓郁。 星城明月生态农业科技有限公司负责人朱和英介绍,蓝莓果不仅颜色极具吸引力,而且风味独特,被称为黄金浆果,因其营养价值高而为人所熟知。目前基地种植的800亩蓝莓正是采果的最佳时期。“每天都有不少游客慕名而来,多的时候有一百多人,蓝莓果采摘回去后放到冰箱里冷藏,可存放十余天。”朱和英说。 除种植蓝莓外,该基地还成立了育苗中心和组培中心,积极培育和销售蓝莓种苗,目前基地种植培育的蓝莓品种达20多种,分早、中、晚熟,全部采用有机肥进行种植,采摘期可持续到8月初。 朱和英带着记者参观了基地整个产业链,从作培育苗到生产,整个过程均可以看到,还有蓝莓果酒等产品。朱和英介绍,下半年还有蓝莓面膜、果粉含片上市。 据了解,今年基地蓝莓采摘价与去年持平,采摘价为80元/公斤,采摘1公斤免门票,蓝莓酒的售价为128元/瓶。此外,基地还开通了线上销售平台,想要吃到本地新鲜蓝莓的市民们可得抓紧了。 据县农业农村局相关负责人介绍,长沙县的蓝莓种植以路口镇星城明月基地为主产区,辐射开慧、黄花等镇,总面积约2000亩,总产量估计在百万公斤以上,各基地采摘价格相差无几,与往年持平。此外,各基地均吸纳了当地贫困户就近就业,将全力助力打好脱贫攻坚战。 23/06/2021 Baidu.com

Programa de la Cumbre Mundial de Arándanos 2021
- . June 23, 2021
Del 23 al 25 de agosto la Asociación de Productores y Exportadores del Perú (Proarandanos) estará realizando, en coordinación con