July 2022

- . July 21, 2022
据 KTLA 报道,近日,因一款蓝莓干产品含铅量超标,美国食品及药物管理局(FDA)对该产品发布紧急召回公告。 FDA称,马里兰州一家实验室在检测中发现Natierra品牌蓝莓干中铅含量超标,涉事公司BrandStorm Inc.因此宣布召回该款有机冻干蓝莓,据悉,这些蓝莓干通过零售和电商在全美各地销售。 据介绍,铅是存在于生活环境中的少量有毒物质,每个人日常生活中都会接触到一些铅,如空气中的灰尘、食用的食物或水源等。 然而,暴露于大量的铅元素环境会导致铅中毒,可能遭受神经系统和内部器官的损害。急性铅中毒的症状可能包括腹痛、肌肉无力、恶心、呕吐、腹泻、体重减轻、血尿或尿量减少。FDA强调,儿童特别容易受到伤害,长期接触大量铅物质,恐会对中枢神经造成永久性损害。 FDA调查发现,该产品原产地是立陶宛,可能需要对重金属进行进一步监测。作为一项紧急行动,该厂商正在努力通过实施强制性重金属检测加强食品安全。 21/07/2022 Chinafruitportal.com

Agronometrics in Charts: Peruvian blueberry exports projected to increase by up to 15%
- . July 21, 2022
In this installment of the ‘Agronometrics In Charts’ series, Sarah Ilyas studies the state of the Peruvian blueberry season. Each

Agronometrics en Gráficos: Se prevé que exportaciones de arándanos peruanos aumenten hasta un 15%
- . July 21, 2022
En este artículo de las serie “En Gráficos” Sarah Ilyas analiza latemporada de arándanos peruanos. Cada semana la serie analizará un cultivo

Guatemala can now export blueberries to Canada
- . July 19, 2022
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala stated in a communiqué on July 14 that officials from the Guatemalan Embassy

“Very positive”: Chilean experts analyze implementation and impacts of Blueberry Express
- . July 19, 2022
The Chilean blueberry industry has welcomed the recently announced agreement to implement a charter service which focuses on exporting fresh blueberries

Expertos analizan implementación e impactos de “Blueberry Express”
- . July 18, 2022
Los exportadores de arándanos chilenos anunciaron que llegaron un acuerdo para implementar un servicio de charter al mercado de Estados

USHBC Warms Up China Market With Blueberry
- . July 17, 2022
On July 1, the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC) held a China market 2022 pre-season webinar to introduce representatives from

Blueberry Express service to launch for Chilean exporters in 2022-23
- . July 15, 2022
Chilean fresh blueberry exporters have reached an agreement to implement a charter service to the U.S. market called the “Blueberry

Arándanos frescos de Yunnan estarán disponibles todo el año
- . July 13, 2022
Tras 20 años de cultivo, inversión y promoción, la provincia de Yunnan ha conseguido un suministro de arándanos frescos durante

Driscoll’s acquires Haygrove Africa
- . July 12, 2022
Berry company Driscoll’s has formally agreed to purchase Haygrove Africa Trading, a wholly owned subsidiary of Haygrove Heaven. Driscoll’s said