Dear IBO Community,
I would like to start by wishing you all a very positive, engaging, and balanced 2025. As we closed 2024, market dynamics provided us with elements that once again testified to how growth needs to be properly planned, managed, and executed.
For the IBO, this year ahead will provide an opportunity to enhance our interactions and collaboration with all of you. As has been the tradition for several years, the IBO Board will meet in Berlin during Fruit Logistica at the beginning of February. We will analyze the work of the past months and the overall evolution of the industry from the perspectives of different regions. Two focus areas will take center stage: first, the enhancement and expansion of regional representations, such as the recently formed China Blueberry Committee, the evolving presence of Morocco, and understanding how India can be properly represented as its blueberry sector begins to grow. Second, we will provide insights into an overall review of the IBO’s role and strategy for the coming years.
The Global Industry Report will be once again updated, providing a great opportunity for all to acquire insights into how the sector continues to expand and, in a way, deal with “growing pains.” Some regions, as briefly analyzed in our last column, seem to be thriving, while others are struggling to define a path forward.
The highlight of the year for the IBO will undoubtedly be our next summit, to be held in South Africa from September 25-27. Brent Walsh, Elzette Schutte, and their team, with the full support of the Berries ZA Board, are preparing an event that will build upon what was presented in Poland in 2023 and previous Summits. This will provide us with a unique opportunity to explore one of the most interesting blueberry regions in the world. More details on “Connecting Minds, Growing Futures” will follow in the coming weeks, and you will surely want to be there!
We will continue to enhance the way we communicate and interact with our membership and with industry organizations at different levels, and with all of those helping to deliver what has to be the fundamental focus of what we do: meeting consumer expectations wherever blueberries are consumed, with the best flavor and quality possible.
I have now had the privilege of leading the IBO for a year. These months have been filled with much learning and understanding of how this very special sector of the global produce industry can continue growing and evolving in a stable manner, despite the many challenges ahead. Special recognition and thanks to the IBO Board for their work and support in 2024.
Mario Steta
Chairman IBO