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during Fruit Attraction!
October 08 | 2024
17:00 - 19:00 hrs
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The International Blueberry Organization invites you to join us for a special event during the Fruit Attraction Show in Madrid. Pleas block your calendar from 17:00 to 19:00 on Tuesday, October 8th.

Cocktail Meeting Program

16:45     Registration

17:00     Welcoming words

17:15      Global trends & 2025 Summit preview

      • South Africa 2025 IBO Summit launch

Brent Walsh, CEO, Berries ZA (RSA)

      • Global Production Report 2024/2025

Cort Brazelton, CEO, Fallcreek (US)

      • European trends analysis

Christiaan Rijnhout, Roamler (NL)

18:00    Panel discussion

In this panel, a group of blueberry industry leaders will discuss the sector’s present and future. The entry of new countries, markets, consumer challenges, and opportunities will be addressed.


Héctor Lujan, CEO, Hortifrut (US)

Steve Magami, CEO, AgroVision (US)

Vicente Jiménez, COO/Surexport (SP)

Theo Lombard, Anlo Farming & Investment (SA)

Moderator: Mario Steta, Chairman, IBO (MX)

18:50     Closing remarks

19:00     End of activity


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